
Enjoy Services

Distance Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing has no barriers of distance. Distance reiki healing can be done without the receipent being present. Reiki can heal without limitaion of time, place and distance. The Reiki healer in consent with the receipent can give Reiki healing accordingly. It helps more faster and soothingly when a particular time is decided upon and the client is...
Enjoy Services

Make your Kundli(Horoscope)

Please Send us your required details and your Kundli will be emailed to you in 7 working days. If you have any specific area you want to know or a specific question. You can mention the same also. If you want the printed copy of the kundli. Then mention the same.(charges extra).
Healing Kits & Tumbled Stones

Abundance Kit

Thse crystals help manifestating abundence, attracting wealth and prosperity, Being assertive and encourage good fortune.
Enjoy Services


The date you were born plays a very important role in your life. This date appears in all your major events and happenings in life may be good or bad Numbers radiate energiy. How your Date of birth and Name affects  your life. To know that, please Send us your required details and your Numeroscope will be emailed to you in 7 working days. If you have any...
Enjoy Services

Aroma Oils

Aroma oils have therapeutic benefits-helping  at physical and mental health It can be used for beautifying purposes, for skin and hair problems There are oils used for other purposes like room freshners, pesticides and repellants These oils are used during massage, facials, body spa’s enhancing these processes. It helps in various problems like-...
Crystal Bracelets

Anxiety Bracelet

These calming crystals helps reduce anxiety and focus on the need with a peaceful mind.
Enjoy Services

Crystal Chakra Distance Reiki Healing

Crystals used during reiki healing helps enhance the healing. There are specific crystals for each chakra and for each issue, to help resolve, clear and fill with devine light of love and abundance. You can opt for crystal therapy in combination with Reiki healing.
Enjoy Services

Oracle Card Readings

The Tarot and Oracle  are one of the popular form of divination. It is based on choosing cards and laying them in a pattern called as spread. Then each card of the spread is interpretated as reading giving answers to the question asked.  You can opt for crystal therapy in combination with Reiki healing. If there is any question or situation troubling you...
Healing Kits & Tumbled Stones

Anemia Kit

The crystals will help improve blood circulation, as in anemia there is lack of oxygen flow around cells these crystals helps enhance the oxygen flow, reduces fatigue caused due to anemia , helps in within to reduce the iron deficiencies.
Crystal Bracelets

Asthma and Bronchitis Bracelet

These crystals releases stress, increases emotional healing and enhance your heart and throat chakra. Removing any unwanted fears and emotional blockages. Guides you to help working with change life style.
Healing Kits & Tumbled Stones

Overall Good Health Kit

This combination of crystals helps you to enhance the positivity in you and help you with your wellness goals.
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